CHiP Services

Steve Phillips working on a home repair

Home Repairs

If you are a homeowner in central or eastern Lincoln County, Maine, CHiP can help with

  • weatherproofing
  • wheelchair access
  • safe entryways
  • plumbing and electrical repairs
  • window or door replacement
  • roof repair
  • holes in flooring
  • trailer skirting

or other urgent repairs.

Call 207-380-9276 to let us know what your needs are and learn how CHiP can help.

If you are eligible, CHiP will provide all materials and labor at no cost to you. You are welcome to help with the repairs as you are able, but this is not required.

Call for yourself or for someone you know: 207-380-9276

Heating Assistance

illustration of woodstove

If you are a resident of central or eastern Lincoln County, Maine, CHiP can help with one delivery per heating season of heating oil, kerosene, propane, electricity or firewood between November 1 and March 1.

Call 207-380-9276 for heating help, or fill out the form on this page to make a request.

CHiP serves the following towns in Lincoln County:


  • Alna
  • Bremen
  • Bristol
  • Damariscotta
  • Jefferson
  • Newcastle
  • Nobleboro
  • Somerville
  • South Bristol
  • Waldoboro
  • Whitefield